Thursday, April 19, 2012


I know the site has been under construction and several changes made to the formatting, but now I think I am under way to begin my posts!  I have come across a read-a-thon happening this weekend and I have never participated in an actual sign up read-a-thon before I thought it would be a great way to start getting some posts up here on the new blog.

  • Dewey’s Read-a-Thon


    Happy Reading! 


  1. Glad to see you participating in the read-a-thon! You are right -- it is a great way to get posts up on your new blog and also to meet other bloggers and get blogging ideas and book recommendations. Good luck!

  2. I think it's the best part of it. Getting to know new people with the same passion as you are :) Goodluck! *\o/*
